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Roper Archive Advisory Committee

The Roper Archival Advisory Committee guides and advises the Roper Center around data archiving best practices, procedures and the future direction of the Roper Center's methodological practices.

“Data archiving” describes a broad range of processes undertaken to ensure that data can be used and understood by researchers now and into the future. Data archiving includes preservation activities, like protection against file degradation, migration of files into updated formats, maintenance of duplicate copies, and digitization of supporting documentation. But data archiving also means data cleaning, respondent de-identification, and metadata collection on studies and files in order to build discovery and analysis tools that help researchers find and understand the data. The Roper Center’s data archiving process meets best practices of the data archives community and has been certified by the CoreTrustSeal.

Committee Members

Bobray Bordelon

Bobray Bordelon joined Princeton University Library in 1993 after three years as a Business Librarian at New Mexico State University. His Bachelor of Science in Finance and Master of Library and Information Science are from Louisiana State University and his Master of Business Administration from New Mexico State University. His professional interests involve service to state, national, and international organizations while promoting subject content and knowledge and its access.

Thu-Mai Christian

Thu-Mai Christian is the Assistant Director for Archives at the Odum Institute for Research in Social Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Odum Institute Data Archive as well as establishing and enforcing policies in accordance with archival standards and best practice.

Ron Nakao

Ron Nakao is responsible for purchasing Stanford University Library materials and resources, such as books, journals, and data to support research and teaching in economics.  He consults at Social Science Data and Software (SSDS), which is part of the Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR). He is Stanford's representative to the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research.

Limor Peer

Limor Peer, PhD is Associate Director for Research at the Institution for Social and Policy Studies (ISPS) at Yale University, where she oversees research infrastructure and communication. She co-founded Curation for Reproducibility (CURE),  a consortium of social science data archives at Yale, Cornell, and the University of  North Carolina. She is currently serving as a Research and Data Specialist at the Office of the Provost at Yale. She also serves on the Roper Center Board of Directors and represents this Committee to the Board.