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Select Bibliography

This is a select bibliography of publications that use data from the Roper Center. Some cite information on overall responses obtained from iPoll; some are based on individual-level analyses of datasets held by the Roper Center, and others use our Presidential approval series or other indexes constructed from Roper Center data.

This bibliography is limited to research articles, and does not include opinion pieces, news stories, or articles in popular magazines. It also does not include publications that use only the General Social Survey (although some use the GSS in addition to other Roper Center data); a bibliography of publications using the GSS can be found on the GSS Data and Information Retrieval System (GSSDIRS) site. At this time, the bibliography does not include books. Click here to search for more references to Roper on Google Scholar.

Finally, if you have used Roper Center data in publications, please help us make this bibliography more complete by sending the citations and if possible a copy of the articles as well (in either paper or electronic form).









Leahy, Peter J., and Allan Mazur. 1980. “The Rise and Fall of Public Opposition in Specific Social Movements.” Social Studies of Science. 10:259-284.

Ladd, Everett Carll. 1981. “The Brittle Mandate: Electoral Dealignment and the 1980 Presidential Election.” Political Science Quarterly. 96:1-25.

Nelsen, Hart M. 1981. “Life without Afterlife: Toward Congruency of Belief across Generations.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 20:109-118.

Russett, Bruce, and Donald R. Deluca. 1981. “Don’t Tread on Me”: Public Opinion and Foreign Policy in the Eighties.” Political Science Quarterly. 96:381-399.

Daniels, Mark R., Robert Darcy, and Joseph W. Westphal. 1982. “The ERA Won. At Least in the Opinion Polls.” PS. 15:578-584.

Donohue, Kevin C., and Robert G. Ryder. 1982. “A Methodological Note on Marital Satisfaction and Social Variables.” Journal of Marriage and the Family. 44:743-747.

Eldersveld, Samuel J. Political Parties in American Society. New York: Basic Books, 1982.

Fischer, Stanley, and John Huizinga. 1982. “Inflation, Unemployment, and Public Opinion Polls.” Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 14:1-19.

Glenn, Norval D., and Charles N. Weaver. 1982. “Enjoyment of Work by Full-Time Workers in the U.S., 1955 and 1980.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 46:459-470.

Henshaw, Stanley K., and Greg Martire. 1982 “Morality and Legality.” Family Planning Perspectives, JSTOR. 14(2):53–60. 

Kleppner, Paul. 1983. “Voters and Parties in the Western States, 1876-1900.” The Western Historical Quarterly. 14:49-68.

Kramer, Bernard W., S. Michael Kalick, and Michael Milburn. 1983. “Attitudes Toward Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War: 1945-82.” Journal of Social Issues. 39:7-24.

Schuman, Howard, and Jacob Ludwig. 1983. “The Norm of Even-Handedness in Surveys as in Life.” American Sociological Review. 48:112-120.

Wattier, Mark J. 1983. “Ideological Voting in 1980 Republican Presidential Primaries.” The Journal of Politics. 45:1016-1026.

Beck, Paul Allen. 1984. “Young vs. Old in 1984: Generations and Life Stages in Presidential Nomination Politics.” PS. 17:515-524.

Blinder, Alan S., and Douglas Holtz-Eakin. 1984. “Public Opinion and the Balanced Budget.” The American Economic Review. 74:144-149.

Keller, Edward B. 1984. “The Public and the Arts.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 471:34-44.

Presser, Stanley. 1984. “Is Inaccuracy on Factual Survey Items Item-Specific or Respondent-Specific?” Public Opinion Quarterly. 48:344-355.

Short, James F., Jr. 1984. “The Social Fabric at Risk: Toward the Social Transformation of Risk Analysis.” American Sociological Review. 49:711-725.

Shapiro, Robert Y., and Tom W. Smith. 1985. “The Polls: Social Security.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 49:561-572.

Smith, Tom W. 1985. “The Polls: America’s Most Important Problems Part I: National and International.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 49:264-274.

Smith, Tom W. 1985. “The Polls: America’s Most Important Problems Part II: Regional, Community, and Personal.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 49:403-410.

Weil, Frederick D. 1985. “The Variable Effects of Education on Liberal Attitudes: A Comparative- Historical Analysis of Anti-Semitism Using Public Opinion Survey Data.” American Sociological Review. 50:458-474.

Abrahamson, Mark, and Valerie J. Carter. 1986. “Tolerance, Urbanism and Region.” American Sociological Review. 51:287-294.

Gillroy, John M., and Robert Y. Shapiro. 1986. “The Polls: Environmental Protection.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 50:270-279.

Graham, Thomas W., and Bernard M. Kramer. 1986. “The Polls: ABM and Star Wars: Attitudes Toward Nuclear Defense, 1945-1985.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 50:125-134.

Monroe, Kristen, and Lynda Erickson. 1986. “The Economy and Political Support: The Canadian Case.” The Journal of Politics. 48:616-647.

Moughrabi, Fouad. 1986. “American Public Opinion and the Palestine Question.” Journal of Palestine Studies. 15:56-75.

Paterson, Thomas G., and William J. Brophy. 1986. “October Missiles and November Elections: The Cuban Missile Crisis and American Politics, 1962.” The Journal of American History. 73:87-119.

Shapiro, Robert Y., and John T. Young. 1986. “The Polls: Medical Care in the United States.“ Public Opinion Quarterly. 50:418-428.

Hawthorne, Michael R., and John E. Jackson. 1987. “The Individual Political Economy of Federal Tax Policy.” The American Political Science Review. 81:757-774.

Hout, Michael, and Andrew M. Greeley. 1987. “The Center Doesn’t Hold: Church Attendance in the United States, 1940-1984.” American Sociological Review. 52:325-345.

Hunter, James Davison. 1987. “Religious Elites in Advanced Industrial Society.” Comparative Studies in Society and History. 29:360-374.

Smith III, Ted J., and J. Michael Hogan. 1987. “Public Opinion and the Panama Canal Treaties of 1977.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 51:5-30.

Levin, Richard C., Alvin K. Klevorick, Richard R. Nelson, Sidney G. Winter, Richard Gilbert, and Zvi Griliches. 1987. “Appropriating the Returns from Industrial Research and Development.” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1987:783-831.

Mason, Karen Oppenheim, and Anju Malhotra Taj. 1987. “Differences between Women’s and Men’s Reproductive Goals in Developing Countries.” Population and Development Review. 13:611-638.

Russett, Bruce, and Miles Lackey. 1987. “In the Shadow of the Cloud: If There’s No Tomorrow, Why Save Today?” Political Science Quarterly. 102:259-272.

Shapiro, Robert Y., Kelly D. Patterson, Judith Russell, and John T. Young. 1987. “The Polls: Public Assistance.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 51:120-130.

Shapiro, Robert Y., Kelly D. Patterson, Judith Russell, and John T. Young. 1987. “A Report: Employment and Social Welfare.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 51:268-281.

Singer, Eleanor, Theresa F. Rogers, and Mary Corcoran. 1987. “A Report: AIDS.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 51:580-595.

Smith, Tom W. 1987. “A Review: The Use of Public Opinion Data by the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 51:249-267.

Smith, Tom W. 1987. “The Art of Asking Questions, 1936-1985.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 51:S95-S108.

Weil, Frederick D. 1987. “Cohorts, Regimes, and the Legitimation of Democracy: West Germany Since 1945.” American Sociological Review. 52:308-324.

Dyer, James A., Arnold Vedlitz, and David B. Hill. 1988. “New Voters, Switchers, and Political Party Realignment in Texas.” The Western Political Quarterly. 41:155-167.

Geer, John G. 1988. “Assessing the Representativeness of Electorates in Presidential Primaries.” American Journal of Political Science. 32:929-945.

Geyer, Anne E., and Robert Y. Shapiro. 1988. “A Report: Human Rights.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 52:386-398.

Henshaw, Stanley K., and Jane Silverman. 1988. “The Characteristics and Prior Contraceptive Use of U.S. Abortion Patients.” Family Planning Perspectives. 20:158-159+162-168.

Kenney, Patrick J., and Tom W. Rice. 1988. “The Evaporating Independents: Removing the “Independent” Option From the NES Party Identification Question.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 52:231-239.

Mueller, John. 1988. “Trends in Political Tolerance.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 52:1-25.

Squire, Peverill. 1988. “Why the 1936 Literary Digest Poll Failed.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 52:125-133.

Wuthnow, Robert, and Clifford Nass. 1988. “Government Activity and Civil Privatism: Evidence from Voluntary Church Membership.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 27:157-174.

Barbezat, Debra A. 1989. “The Effect of Collective Bargaining on Salaries in Higher Education.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review. 42:443-455.

Dearing, James W. 1989. “Setting the Polling Agenda for the Issue of AIDS.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 53:309-329.

John, Kenneth E. 1989. “A Report: 1980-1988 New Hampshire Presidential Primary Polls.“ Public Opinion Quarterly. 53:590-605.

Lerner, Robert, Althea K. Nagai, and Stanley Rothman. 1989. “Marginality and Liberalism Among Jewish Elites.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 53:330-352.

Modell, John, Marc Goulden, and Sigurdur Magnusson. 1989. “World War II in the Lives of Black Americans: Some Findings and Interpretation.” The Journal of American History. 76:838-848.

Sobel, Richard. 1989. “A Report: Public Opinion About United States Intervention in El Salvador and Nicaragua.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 53:114-128.

Weil, Frederick D. 1989. “The Sources and Structure of Legitimation in Western Democracies: A Consolidated Model Tested with Time-Series Data in Six Countries Since World War II.” American Sociological Review. 54:682-706.




Chew, Kenneth S. Y. 1990. “Is There a Parent Gap in Pocketbook Politics?” Journal of Marriage and the Family 52:723-734.

Katz, James E., and Annette R. Tassone. 1990. “A Report: Public Opinion Trends: Privacy and Information Technology.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 54:125-143.

Lockerbie, Brad, and Stephen A. Borrelli. 1990. “Question Wording and Public Support for Contra Aid, 1983-1986.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 54:195-208.

Russett, Bruce. 1990. “Doves, Hawks, and U.S. Public Opinion.” Political Science Quarterly. 105:515-538.

Sigelman, Lee. 1990. “Disarming the Opposition: The President, the Public, and the INF Treaty.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 54:37-47.

Smith, Tom W. 1990. “Liberal and Conservative Trends in the United States Since World War II.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 54:479-507.

Abramson, Paul R., and Charles W. Ostrom, Jr. 1991. “Macropartisanship: An Empirical Reassessment.” The American Political Science Review. 85:181-192.

Baer, Judith A. 1991. “Women’s Rights and the Limits of Constitutional Doctrine.” The Western Political Quarterly. 44:821-852.

Carpini, Michael X. Delli, and Scott Keeter. 1991. “Stability and Change in the U.S. Public’s Knowledge of Politics.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 55:583-612.

Danigelis, Nicholas L., and Stephen J. Cutler. 1991. “Cohort Trends in Attitudes About Law and Order: Who’s Leading the Conservative Wave?” Public Opinion Quarterly. 55:24-49.

Green, John C., and James L. Guth. 1991. “Religion, Representatives, and Roll Calls.” Legislative Studies Quarterly. 16:571-584.

Hogan, J. Michael, and Ted J. Smith Iii. 1991. “Polling on the Issues: Public Opinion and the Nuclear Freeze.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 55:534-569.

Marshall, Susan E. 1991. “Who Speaks for American Women? The Future of Antifeminism.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 515:50-62.

Martin, Ben L. 1991. “From Negro to Black to African American: The Power of Names and Naming.” Political Science Quarterly. 106:83-107.

Green, Donald Philip. 1992. “The Price Elasticity of Mass Preferences.” The American Political Science Review. 86:128-148.

Mansbridge, Jane, and Katherine Tate. 1992. “Race Trumps Gender: The Thomas Nomination in the Black Community.” PS: Political Science and Politics. 25:488-492.

Patterson, Kelly D., and David B. Magleby. 1992. “Poll Trends: Public Support for Congress.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 56:539-551.

Sigelman, Lee, and James S. Todd. 1992. “Clarence Thomas, Black Pluralism, and Civil Rights Policy.” Political Science Quarterly. 107:231-248.

Smith, Tom W. 1992. “Changing Racial Labels: From 'Colored' to 'Negro' to 'Black' to 'African American'.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 56:496-514.

Day, Christine L. 1993. “Older Americans’ Attitudes toward the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988.” The Journal of Politics. 55:167-177 .

Gandy, Oscar H., Jr. 1993. “African Americans and Privacy: Understanding the Black Perspective in the Emerging Policy Debate.” Journal of Black Studies. 24:178-195.

Greenstein, Fred I. 1993. “The Presidential Leadership Style of Bill Clinton: An Early Appraisal. ” Political Science Quarterly. 108:589-601.

Hirshberg, Matthew S. 1993. “Consistency and Change in American Perceptions of China.” Political Behavior. 15:247-263.

Hurwitz, Jon, Mark Peffley, and Mitchell A. Seligson. 1993. “Foreign Policy Belief Systems in Comparative Perspective: The United States and Costa Rica.” International Studies Quarterly. 37:245-270.

Jacobs, Lawrence R., Robert Y. Shapiro, and Eli C. Schulman. 1993. “Poll Trends: Medical Care in the United States-an Update.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 57:394-427.

Lindgren, James. 1993. “Death by Default.” Law and Contemporary Problems. 56:185-254.

Mueller, John. 1993. “A Review: American Public Opinion and the Gulf War: Some Polling Issues.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 57:80-91.

Phelps, R.P. 1993. ” American public opinion on trade, 1950-1990.” Business Economics. 28:35-40.

Rogers, Theresa F., Eleanor Singer, and Jennifer Imperio. 1993. “Poll Trends: AIDS-An Update.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 57:92-114.

Sigelman, Lee, and Susan Welch. 1993. “The Contact Hypothesis Revisited: Black-White Interaction and Positive Racial Attitudes.” Social Forces. 71:781-795.

Simon, Rita J. 1993. “Old Minorities, New Immigrants: Aspirations, Hopes, and Fears.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 530:61-73.

Smith, Tom W. 1993. “A Review: Actual Trends or Measurement Artifacts? A Review of Three Studies of Anti-Semitism.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 57:380-393.

Winston, Clifford. 1993. “Economic Deregulation: Days of Reckoning for Microeconomists.” Journal of Economic Literature. 31:1263-1289.

Adamek, Raymond J. 1994. “A Review: Public Opinion and Roe V. Wade: Measurement Difficulties.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 58:409-418.

Blumoff, Theodore Y. 1994. “The Holocaust and Public Discourse.” The Journal of Law and Religion. 11:591-636.

Brams, Steven J., and Samuel Merrill III. 1994. “Would Ross Perot Have Won the 1992 Presidential Election under Approval Voting?” PS: Political Science and Politics. 27:39-44.

Chaves, Mark, and James C. Cavendish. 1994. “More Evidence on U.S. Catholic Church Attendance.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 33:376-381.

Clarke, Harold D., Jonathan Rapkin, and Marianne C. Stewart. 1994. “A President out of Work: A Note on the Political Economy of Presidential Approval in the Bush Years.” British Journal of Political Science. 24:535-548.

Ferree, Myra Marx. 1994. “'The Time of Chaos Was the Best' Feminist Mobilization and Demobilization in East Germany.” Gender and Society. 8:597-623.

Haynes, Stephen E., and David Jacobs. 1994. “Macroeconomics, Economic Stratification, and Partisanship: A Longitudinal Analysis of Contingent Shifts in Political Identification.” American Journal of Sociology. 100:70-103.

Jacobs, Lawrence R., and Robert Y. Shapiro. 1994. “Questioning the Conventional Wisdom on Public Opinion toward Health Reform.” PS: Political Science and Politics. 27:208-214.

Magleby, David B., and Kelly D. Patterson. 1994. “Poll Trends: Congressional Reform.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 58:419-427.

Mayer, William G. 1994. “Poll Trends: The Rise of the New Media.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 58:124-146.

Pugsley, Mark W. 1994. “Nonsmoking Hiring Policies: Examining the Status of Smokers under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.” Duke Law Journal. 43:1089-1114.

Russett, Bruce, Jonathan Cowden, David Kinsella, and Shoon Murray. 1994. “Did Americans’ Expectations of Nuclear War Reduce Their Savings?” International Studies Quarterly. 38:587-603.

Elliott, Euel, James L. Regens, and Barry J. Seldon. 1995. “Exploring Variation in Public Support for Environmental Protection.” Social Science Quarterly. 76:41-52.

Franklin, Mark, and Matthew Ladner. 1995. “The Undoing of Winston Churchill: Mobilization and Conversion in the 1945 Realignment of British Voters.” British Journal of Political Science. 25:429-452.

Gaubatz, Kurt Taylor. 1995. “Intervention and Intransitivity: Public Opinion, Social Choice, and the Use of Military Force Abroad.” World Politics. 47:534-554.

Reiter, Howard L., and Julie M. Walsh. 1995. “Who Votes for Non-Major-Party Candidates? The Cases of Longley, Sanders, and Weicker.” Polity. 27:651-663.

Tuchfarber, Alfred J., Stephen E. Bennett, Andrew E. Smith, and Eric W. Rademacher. 1995. “The Republican Tidal Wave of 1994: Testing Hypotheses about Realignment, Restructuring, and Rebellion.” PS: Political Science and Politics. 28:689-696.

Voss, D. Stephen, Andrew Gelman, and Gary King. 1995. “Preelection Survey Methodology: Details from Eight Polling Organizations, 1988 and 1992.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 59:98-132.

Waller, Wynne Pomeroy, and Marianne E. Ide. 1995. “Poll Trends: China and Human Rights.” The Public Opinion Quarterly, JSTOR. 59(1)133–143. 

Weakliem, David, Julia McQuillan, and Tracy Schauer. 1995. “Toward Meritocracy? Changing Social-Class Differences in Intellectual Ability.” Sociology of Education. 68:271-286.

Bennett, Stephen Earl. 1996. “‘Know-Nothings’ Revisited Again.” Political Behavior. 18:219-233.

Bolce, Louis, Gerald De Maio, and Douglas Muzzio. 1996. “Dial-In Democracy: Talk Radio and the 1994 Election.” Political Science Quarterly. 111:457-481.

Collet, Christian. 1996. “Trends: Third Parties and the Two-Party System.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 60:431-449.

DiMaggio, Paul, John Evans, and Bethany Bryson. 1996. “Have American’s Social Attitudes Become More Polarized?” American Journal of Sociology. 102:690-755.

Freeman, Richard B. 1996. “The Minimum Wage as a Redistributive Tool.” The Economic Journal. 106:639-649.

Henshaw, Stanley K., and Kathryn Kost. 1996. “Abortion Patients in 1994-1995: Characteristics and Contraceptive Use.” Family Planning Perspectives 28:140-147+158.

Herbst, Susan. 1996. “Public Expression outside the Mainstream.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 546:120-131.

Hinckley, Katherine A., and John C. Green. 1996. “Fund-Raising in Presidential Nomination Campaigns: The Primary Lessons of 1988.” Political Research Quarterly. 49:693-718.

Blendon, Robert J., John M. Benson, Mollyann Brodie, Richard Morin, Drew E. Altman, Daniel Gitterman, Mario Brossard, and Matt James. 1997. “Bridging the Gap Between the Public’s and Economists’ Views of the Economy.” The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 11:105-118.

Campbell, James E. 1997. “The Presidential Pulse and the 1994 Midterm Congressional Election.” Journal of Politics. 59:830-857.

Chai, Sun-Ki. 1997. “Entrenching the Yoshida Defense Doctrine: Three Techniques for Institutionalization.” International Organization. 51:389-412.

Hurwitz, Jon, and Mark Peffley. 1997. “Public Perceptions of Race and Crime: The Role of Racial Stereotypes.” American Journal of Political Science. 41:375-401.

Ladd, Everett Carll. 1997. “1996 Vote: The “No Majority” Realignment Continues.” Political Science Quarterly. 112:1-28.

Lapinski, John S., Pia Peltola, Greg Shaw, and Alan Yang. 1997. “Trends: Immigrants and Immigration.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 61:356-383.

Nincic, Miroslav. 1997. “Domestic Costs, the U.S. Public, and the Isolationist Calculus.” International Studies Quarterly. 41:593-609.

Owens, John E. 1997. “The Return of Party Government in the US House of Representatives: Central Leadership – Committee Relations in the 104th Congress.” British Journal of Political Science. 27:247-272.

Sigelman, Lee, Paul J. Wahlbeck, and Emmett H. Buell, Jr. 1997. “Vote Choice and the Preference for Divided Government: Lessons of 1992.” American Journal of Political Science. 41:879-894.

Weakliem, David L. 1997. “Race versus Class? Racial Composition and Class Voting, 1936-1992.” Social Forces. 75:939-956.

Yang, Alan S. 1997. “Trends: Attitudes Toward Homosexuality.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 61:477-507.

Bennett, W. Lance. 1998. “1998 Ithiel De Sola Pool Lecture: The UnCivic Culture: Communication, Identity, and the Rise of Lifestyle Politics.” PS: Political Science and Politics. 31:740-761.

Bernstein, Barton J. 1998. “Truman and the A-Bomb: Targeting Noncombatants, Using the Bomb, and His Defending the 'Decision'.” Journal of Military History. 62:547-570.

Carrington, Paul D. 1998. “Judicial Independence and Democratic Accountability in Highest State Courts.” Law and Contemporary Problems. 61:79-126.

Diamond, Jeff. 1998. “African-American Attitudes towards United States Immigration Policy.” International Migration Review. 32:451-470.

Gill, Robin, C. Kirk Hadaway, and Penny Long Marler. 1998. “Is Religious Belief Declining in Britain?” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 37:507-516.

Green, Donald, Bradley Palmquist, and Eric Schickler. 1998. “Macropartisanship: A Replication and Critique.” American Political Science Review. 92:883-899.

Jentleson, Bruce W., and Rebecca L. Britton. 1998. “Still Pretty Prudent: Post-Cold War American Public Opinion on the Use of Military Force.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. 42:395-417.

Kaufman, Robert R., and Leo Zuckermann. 1998. “Attitudes toward Economic Reform in Mexico: The Role of Political Orientations.” American Political Science Review. 92:359-375.

Langbein, Laura I., and Gregory B. Lewis. 1998. “Pay, Productivity, and the Public Sector: The Case of Electrical Engineers.” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory: J-PART. 8:391-412.

Lien, Pei-Te. 1998. “Does the Gender Gap in Political Attitudes and Behavior Vary across Racial Groups?” Political Research Quarterly. 51:869-894.

Phelps, R.P. 1998. “The demand for standardized student testing.” Educational measurement: Issues and practice. 17(3) Fall, 5-23.

Presser, Stanley, and Linda Stinson. 1998. “Data Collection Mode and Social Desirability Bias in Self-Reported Religious Attendance.” American Sociological Review. 63:137-145.

Schwartz, Barry, and Lori Holyfield. 1998. “Nixon Postmortem.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 560:96-110.

Tolbert, Charles M., Thomas A. Lyson, and Michael D. Irwin. 1998. “Local Capitalism, Civic Engagement, and Socioeconomic Well-Being.” Social Forces. 77:401-427.

Trumbore, Peter F. 1998. “Public Opinion as a Domestic Constraint in International Negotiations: Two-Level Games in the Anglo-Irish Peace Process.” International Studies Quarterly. 42:545-565.

Bishop, George. 1999. “Trends: Americans’ Belief in God.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 63:421-434.

Chanley, Virginia A. 1999. “U.S. Public Views of International Involvement from 1964 to 1993: Time-Series Analyses of General and Militant Internationalism.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. 43:23-44.

Erikson, Robert S., and Christopher Wlezien. 1999. “Presidential Polls as a Time Series: The Case of 1996.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 63:163-177.

Gutmann, Myron P., and Sara M. Pullum. 1999. “From Local to National Political Cultures: Social Capital and Civic Organization in the Great Plains.” Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 29:725-762.

Hellegers, Adam P. 1999. “Reforming Hud’s 'One-Strike' Public Housing Evictions through Tenant Participation.” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. 90:323-362.

Hutcheson, Philo A. 1999. “Reconsidering the Community College.” History of Education Quarterly. 39:307-320.

Ladd, Everett C. 1999. “Bowling with Tocqueville:Civic Engagement and Social Capital.” The Responsive Community. 9:11-21.

Schuman, Howard, and Maria Krysan. 1999. “A Historical Note on Whites’ Beliefs about Racial Inequality.” American Sociological Review. 64:847-855.

Se​rvín-González, Mariana, and Oscar Torres-Reyna. 1999. “Trends: Religion and Politics.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 63:592-621.

Shah, Dhavan V., Mark D. Watts, David Domke, David P. Fan, and Michael Fibison. 1999. “News Coverage, Economic Cues, and the Public’s Presidential Preferences, 1984-1996.” Journal of Politics. 61:914-943.

Smith, Tom W. 1999. “Review: The JAMA Controversy and the Meaning of Sex.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 63:385-400.




DiFilippo, Anthony. 2000. “Can Japan Craft an International Nuclear Disarmament Policy?“ Asian Survey. 40:571-598.

Durr, Robert H., Andrew D. Martin, and Christina Wolbrecht. 2000. “Ideological Divergence and Public Support for the Supreme Court.” American Journal of Political Science. 44:768-776.

McKeown, Timothy J. 2000. “The Cuban Missile Crisis and Politics as Usual.” Journal of Politics. 62:70-87.

Bishop, George, and Andrew Smith. 2001. “Response-Order Effects and the Early Gallup Split-Ballots.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 65:479-505.

Furlong, Beth, and Marlene Wilken. 2001. “Managed Care: The Changing Environment for Consumers and Health Care Providers.” Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 19:3-20.

Jeffries, John C., Jr., and James E. Ryan. 2001. “A Political History of the Establishment Clause.” Michigan Law Review. 100:279-370.

Lawless, Jennifer L., and Richard L. Fox. 2001. “Political Participation of the Urban Poor.” Social Problems. 48:362-385.

Mazur, Allan, Stanley Rothman, and S. Robert Lichter. 2001. “Biases about Man-Made Cancer among Researchers.” Social Studies of Science. 31:771-778.

McDonald, Michael P., and Samuel L. Popkin. 2001. The Myth of the Vanishing Voter.” American Political Science Review. 95:963-974.

Quinn, Dennis P., and John T. Woolley. 2001. “Democracy and National Economic Performance: The Preference for Stability.” American Journal of Political Science. 45:634-657.

Cook, Fay Lomax, Jason Barabas, and Benjamin I Page. 2002. “Invoking Public Opinion: Policy Elites and Social Security.” Public Opinion Quarterly. 66:235-64.

Fan, David P. , Kathy A. Keltner, and Robert D. Wyatt. 2002. “A Matter of Guilt or Innocence: How News Reports Affect Support for the Death Penalty in the United States.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 14:439-52.

Rose, Stephen J. 2002. “The Challenge of Measuring Earnings Mobility and Career Paths in the United States.” Indicators. 1:73-98.

Wuthnow, Robert. 2002. “Religious Involvement and Status-Bridging Social Capital.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 41:669-84.

Bailey, Michael, Lee Sigelman, and Clyde Wilcox. 2003. “Presidential Persuasion on Social Issues: A Two-Way Street?” Political Research Quarterly. 56:49-58.

Finocchiaro, Charles J. 2003. “An Institutional View of Congressional Elections: The Impact of Congressional Image on Seat Change in the House.” Political Research Quarterly. 56:59-65.

Kropf, Martha, and Stephen Knack. 2003. “Viewers like You: Community Norms and Contributions to Public Broadcasting.” Political Research Quarterly. 56:187-197.

Wuthnow, Robert. 2003. “Overcoming Status Distinctions? Religious Involvement, Social Class, Race, and Ethnicity in Friendship Patterns” Sociology of Religion. 64:423-42.

DeLeon, Richard E., and Katherine C. Naff. 2004. “Identity Politics and Local Political Culture.” Urban Affairs Review. 39:689-719.

Grant, Don, et al. 2004. “Do Facilities with Distant Headquarters Pollute More? How Civic Engagement Conditions the Environmental Performance of Absentee Managed Plants.” Social Forces, JSTOR. 83(1):189–214.

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