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How to Cite

Publications based on data acquired via Roper Center access services should cite the Roper Center in the standard format outlined here. Proper citation ensures that source information is available for use by future researchers.

Researchers publishing analytical pieces using data obtained from the Roper Center are also encouraged to provide the Center with a copy of the work or its citation information for inclusion in the “Bibliography of publications using data from the Roper Center.” Citations can be submitted by email at Data Services or by sending them to:

The Roper Center
Cornell University
136 Hoy Road
Rhodes Hall, Room 651
Ithaca, NY 14853-3801

General Citation Format

Authorship. Title [material designator]. Unique identifier, Version. Producer [producer]. Location of distributor: Name of distributor [distributor]. Access date.

Where to Find Citations

Find citations for survey questions under the topline results by clicking “Cite” button in Roper iPoll.


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